Monday, October 14, 2024

Drew Ryder

Passion and Motivation: In this month’s article I thought we could explore passion and motivation, as I consider that they go together hand in hand as it were.  Let’s first look at passion.  What exactly is passion?  Passion is, as described in the Oxford English Dictionary, amongst other things, (that is to say, leaving sex out of the equation!), as a strongly felt emotion or a strong enthusiasm for something, or, the object of an intense desire or enthusiasm: some of you might choose football as this desire, or dancing, or food.

When you are passionate about something it is easy to get excited about it and this often inspires you to do something about the passion.  In other words to feel motivated in to doing something – it may well be going to watch or even play a game of football, to dance or to cook. People can be passionate about all sorts of things, what ‘floats my boat’ may not necessarily float yours.  If you have a deep desire about something then that desire or passion alone, may well be enough to motivate you.  What if it isn’t?  Or what if there is something you need to do for instance, like lose weight for health reasons, some area where there is little or no passion.  How can we get motivated?

Saturday, October 12, 2024


 Dr Ida Rolf founded a new method of treating the structure of the body, especially where there are postural problems, causing pain and discomfort. These can be eased and relieved. Her method, known as 'Rolfing' is also known as 'Structural Integration'. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

John O'Donoghue

Who was John O'Donoghue?

"When you cease to fear your solitude, a new creativity awakens in you. Your forgotten or neglected wealth begins to reveal itself. You come home to yourself and learn to rest within. Thoughts are our inner senses. Infused with silence and solitude, they bring out the mystery of inner landscape."

Anam Cara, p. 17

By Karen Tate

My gateway into Goddess Spirituality was via the teachings of Dianic women immersed in Women's Mysteries and Goddess herstory.  I owe them a debt of gratitude for introducing me to Goddess but this relationship wasn’t without many challenges. Like a “cafeteria catholic” moving down the food line of spiritual beliefs, choosing what ideas resonated with me, I put some of their ideas on my tray of life and rejected others leaving them to dry out on the sterno.

I was interested in a Feminine Face of God and not a male God so much. Christianity and patriarchy turned me off to institutional  man-made dogma, religion and Jesus for a long time. For me, the male God could be a consort of Goddess, perhaps her equal, provided she maintained her full autonomy and authority. Think of the Super Couple of Isis and Osiris for example. The feminist aspects of Dianics also appealed to me. Coming from a lower-middle-class family, growing up without a lot, I understood the importance of feminism to lift us all up to achieve equality. So the female empowerment aspect, the primary deity as female, feminism and herstory were really attractive concepts of Dianic Spirituality.

What I had real problems with among Dianics was the female superiority, lack of inclusion and the idea for many that Goddess Spirituality was based on a woman’s body and cycles.  And so many women I knew, hetero and lesbian alike, could have cared less if men dropped off the face of the earth - as if parthogenesis (conceiving without male sperm) was still a thing. Today it seems within the ranks of Dianics discrimination falls perhaps less on men and more heavily on trans people because of the Right-Wing theocratic Heritage Foundation propaganda against people questioning their sex/gender and the fear mongering about the erasure of women. But that's a topic for another newsletter.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Rainer Maria Rilke

Who was Rainer Maria Rilke?
Lived 1875-1926, Rilke was an Austrian traveller, poet and mystical prose writer. Conscripted into service in WWI, he experienced depression as he was not psychologically suited to the military. He was an only child with a dominating and extreme Catholic mother who dressed him in girl's clothing, made him kiss the wounds of Christ's statue, and told he must never complaint when he was in pain or distress. This behaviour might have influenced his later strong dislike of Catholicism. In one poem, he describes Jesus as having been married to Mary Magdalene - an early concept which has now found interest in the modern day. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Richard Rohr

Who is Richard Rohr?
Born 1943, Richard Rohr is a Franciscan friar and spiritual author living in New Mexico. He is the Founder of the New Jerusalem Community which is a grass roots community that provides equality for men and women and supports LGBTQ rights and campaigns for a new orthodoxy that is different from the top down Vatican line. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Do You Have Allure?

The allure of mystery is a fascinating phenomenon that captures our imagination and arouses our interest. At its core, the enigmatic quality of a person can be deeply appealing, and there’s psychology at play that helps explain why we are drawn to these individuals.
One of the key factors is unpredictability. When we encounter characters, be it in novels, films, or real life, who keep us guessing, it ignites a sense of excitement and curiosity. Much like a gripping mystery novel, where each page holds potential surprises, a mysterious person seems to promise an unfolding story that captivates our attention. We find ourselves wanting to turn the next page, eager to discover what lies beneath the surface of their persona.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Requiems - Poetry Choice

Requiems by Christina Rossetti 

When I am dead, my dearest,

Sing no sad songs for me;
Plant thou no roses at my head,
Nor shady cypress tree:
Be the green grass above me
With showers and dewdrops wet;
And if thou wilt, remember,
And if thou wilt, forget.

I shall not see the shadows,
I shall not feel the rain;
I shall not hear the nightingale
Sing on, as if in pain:
And dreaming through the twilight
That doth not rise nor set,
Haply I may remember,
And haply may forget.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Kabbalah Spring Cleaning

Spring time is great opportunity for us to do internal purification for the soul and spirit. There is no need to probe deeply into the depth of the soul to know that quite a few "spiritual toxins" are accumulated in our thoughts and feelings, casting shadows on our inner light, and dim it.

We are hoarding anger on a daily basis, and if we do not remove it from our system on time (when still young ...), we may develop animosity towards anyone and anything that exist in our environment, act furiously, and our judgment and decision-making abilities may be ruined. Sometimes we may suffer bad mood and mental/emotional restlessness that are originated in our internal imbalance.

Alexandra David-Neel

Who was Alexandra David-Neel?
Born Paris 24 October 1868, she was the only daughter of a Hugenot Freemason teacher, and in her early years, she played piano and sang, and was precociously interested in ascetic practices. Travelling widely and compulsively, she was fascinated with secret societies, studying with Annie Besant and Madame Blavatsky. She converted to Buddhism when she was 20 years old, and due to an inherited personal fortune, she became an intrepid explorer, visiting Mongolia, Korea, Japan and India, much of the time disguised as a beggar or monk. She was fascinated with secret societies, studying with Annie Besant and Madame Blavatsky. She became a member of a mixed Scottish Rite Freemasonry society where she reached a high status. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Toxic Masculinity

Toxic masculinity is a set of self serving, judgemental behaviours. These destructive values and attitudes are dominant and aggressive and are fuelled by hatred of those whom the toxic male considers to be inferior. The major target is women who are seen as submissive, subservient, passive, and weak - these qualities are seen as traits to exploit. Women are objectified, used and discredited.

Toxic men like to surround themselves with caring, empathic people, but they only care about themselves, not anyone else. They believe there are winners and losers in life, and they must win through any means possible. Of course, some people are good at maths, others singing, some have excellent memories, some tell jokes well, however, to the toxic male, to consider a variety of skills is too complex, so they focus on one thing that is easily identified - money! Who has the most money is of intense interest, and they will get it by hook or by crook to prove they are best at everything, because money encompasses everything in their estimation. 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Political New Age Toxicity

What do our politicians want from the electorate?…. They want us to be compliant!  How do they get it? By dumbing down the ability of the ordinary person to think critically! 

We all make important political decisions based on news headlines. The more a politician is in the news, for whatever reason - even for bad publicity - the greater their popularity and the more they are worth. When they lose their MP seat, they get a well paid sinecure on the board of a lucrative bank, big pharma, a chemical, industrial, or armaments manufacturer, in the media, in construction, tech company, etc. 

Politicians who have taken us to war, sell books, after dinner talks, they invite their supportive friends to sit in the House of Lords and they can enter royal privilege as a Garter Knight, as did Tony Blair. 

How has the New Age been infiltrated by the political agenda to disempower you and to make you dependent on their desires. You will be told by spiritual teachers to be self serving, to want and get more and more, as greed becomes fashionable and desirable, not think of altruism as spirituality has told you is the foundation of a spiritual life for thousands of years. There is no right or wrong any more. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Chris Street asks ‘Is London the City of Revelation?’

There have been several attempts to re-build London as ‘The New Jerusalem’. The first was by the Knights Templar who, in 1185, modelled their Temple Church in Holborn on the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and sited the building exactly the same distance from St. Pauls Cathedral as the Holy Sepulchre is sited from the Dome of the Rock. Clearly they saw a connection, or wanted to create one. Approx 500 years later, following the Great Fire of London, Sir Christopher Wren conceived his own plan to re-build London as the New Jerusalem, whilst his rival, John Evelyn, devised a design for the city based upon the cabbalistic tree of life.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Books on herbs

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Herb Society's Complete Medicinal Herbal - A Practical Guide to Medicinal Herbs with Remedies for Common Ailments by Penelope Ody published by Dorling Kindersley.

A fully illustrated herbal in full colour, ideal for identification and for information on how to select, grow, create medicines on a wide variety of common and easily available herbs. Beginning with the use of herbs in the distant past, in countries across the world, we have profiled Yarrow, Lady's Mantle, Garlic, Aloe, Marshmallow, Angelica, Celery, Burdock, Borage, Tea, Cayenne, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Hawthorn, Yam, Eucalyptus, Meadowsweet, Fennel, Cleavers, Gentian, Hops, St John's Wort, Hyssop, Juniper, Lavender, Motherwort, Honeysuckle, Lemon Balm, Mint, Basil, Rose, Rosemary, Sage, Comfrey, Feverfew, Dandelion, Thyme, Stinging Nettle, and many more. 

Tune in for Serenity

This video helps us to relax during communication with others. It's good advice when dealing with other people and suggests we remain true to ourselves and be aware of ourselves, relax and be serene. This way, we achieve more, have better relationships and feel healthier ourselves. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Clean Language Questions

Clean language is useful in everyday speech. Listening and repeating back is the basis and by using the other person's words to show you have heard. 
Nine questions are suggested. What kind of X is the X! 
This is a great way to start! 
Originating with the late David Grove's use of metaphor in deep trauma, it has been developed from this point to use in coaching, counselling and business.   

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A New World View!

The worldwide transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy is under way.

As fossil fuel prices rise, as air pollution worsens, and as concerns about climate instability cast a shadow over the future of coal, a new world energy economy is emerging. The old economy, fueled largely by coal and oil, is being replaced with one powered by solar and wind energy.

The Evolving Energy Transition: In the United States, the energy transition can be seen in the hundreds of utility-scale power plants under development or construction in the Southwest. Iowa and South Dakota are each generating at least 26 percent of their electricity from wind farms. The share in Iowa could reach half by 2018. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Gestalt Introjection

What is Gestalt Introjection? Introjection is a Gestalt psychological term, implying a readiness - without sufficient assessment - to internalise ideas that belong to other people. Ideas can involve beliefs, including false beliefs. There are many Gestalt terms for unconscious material which is deemed toxic. Only material in awareness can be considered healthy or useful. By uncovering our 'real' selves through awareness, we lose discomfort in our own neuroses.
Clients are often guided to dialogue with different subpersonalities, such as 'alternate chair technique'.  

Save our Bees!

Despite the US and the UK resisting, bee campaigners are celebrating the European Union prohibition on the use of systemic pesticides which have been demonstrated to be toxic to bees. A total of 15 of the 27 European member states voted for a 2 year ban on neonicotinoids and 300,000 people in the UK signed a petition to bring in a ban. Most bumblebee species are declining and 6 species have suffered an 80% reduction in numbers in recent years. In the past 100 years, 20 British bee species have become extinct and 35 British bees are currently at risk of extinction. This is due to several factors, not just the chemicals which reduce their immune system capabilities, but loss of habitat plays a large role as does the removal of honey from hives and replacing it with sugar water which provides none of the valuable nutrients for bees throughout the winter, and does not provide the antibacterial that is needed for them to fight diseases. With 98% of wild flower meadows vanishing since 1950, we need to plant flowers that will help bees to thrive. They play a crucial role in plant pollination.  

Thursday, September 5, 2024

E. F. Schumacher

A New Age style philosopher, Fritz Schumacher (1911-1977) was a exponent of pacifism, monetary advisor to governments, and he created a new economics of material reductionism which cares for the planet and for people, especially those most in need in society. He was influenced by Buddhism and by Gandhi. His book 'Small is Beautiful' (1973) is based on the reasoning that less is more in a society which is generally unhappy despite its material wealth and 'A Guide for the Perplexed' is a best selling explanation of capitalism.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Paul Tillich


Howard Thurman


Maxwell Maltz

 Who was Maxwell Maltz? Information on Psycho-Cybernetics described in this video

IPV intimate partner violence


What is IPV?



Japanese formula for happiness - a reason for being - a purpose! 
All 4 components detailed here

Attention Deficit Disorder

What is ADD? This video explains!

Preoccupied Attachment


Enneagram Training

Role Modelling


Why role models and mentors are important!

Rapid Transformational Therapy


What is RTT? Explanation here! 

The Balance Procedure

What is The Balance Procedure? This video explains!

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy


What is DBT? This video explains!

LomiLomi Foot Massage Demonstration

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Brain Waves

Electrical instruments (electroencephalographs) are commonly used by medical people to evaluate mental states. These instruments measure the neuron firing rates of groups of brain cells.  These firing rates are commonly thought to control mental states.  Beta, alpha, theta and delta are terms that medicine uses to indicate the rates of brain cell firing and the corresponding mental states associated with them.

Pagans and Ecology

Making generalised statements about Pagans is rarely a good idea as Pagans are incredibly diverse. My current working definition for Paganism(s) is recreated, reconstructed and/or reimagined indigenous traditions from around the world, many of which see the sacred in the landscape. So Paganism isn’t just one tradition, but many, from all sorts of different origins around the world. 

One of the causes for the differences you might find in Pagan traditions is the very landscape they originally emerged in, because, in different landscapes, with diverse ecological conditions, the way people perceive and interact with that landscape will vary.

It is fair to say that a great many traditions see the sacred in the landscape, which means that interacting with that landscape equates to interaction with the sacred. As the sacred is very important, a great many Pagans will be keen to see and work for a more sustainable way of living- a way of living that is less likely to damage the local environment and more likely to honour it. This may take the form of activities to clean up rubbish left in waterways, forests and open land, by others. It may take the form of protesting against business that could be considered to damage the landscape- hydraulic fracturing (fracking), building on greenbelt land or destruction of ancient woodland. It could take the form of guerrilla gardening activities, permaculture or simply in tending to their own gardens. But running through all those activities is an understanding that the land is sacred, that we do not inherit the land from our ancestors, but borrow it from our children. Of course, these kinds of activities are not the sole province of Pagans. But a key motivator for Pagans to engage in them is that recognition of the sacred in nature.

Friday, August 30, 2024

The art of storytelling by Eli Anderson

Eli Anderson says: I believe that everyone is a storyteller and that stories are a global heritage. I have been writing for over 35 years, and have also been involved in publishing.

I am a master of the art of storytelling, a poet and coach with 'eAkan'. I have arranged a variety of lectures and workshops which include performance craft, musical theory, eldership, healthcare, storytelling, community education, mindfulness and poetry therapy and I arrange and deliver a variety of workshops where I mentor performers and musicians.

Ibn Arabi


Who was Ibn Arabi? 

Ibn Arabi was a Sufi spiritual love poet (an interpreter of longing poetry) and writer who was inspired by the divine spirit. He is known as The Meccan Revelator who studied astrology, letters, numbers, symbolic geometry,  and esoteric sciences. The Wisdom of the Prophets was revealed to him in a single night. He was born in 1165 in SE Spain and tutored by an aged woman. In 1198, when he was 33, Ibn Arabi had a vision and a Divine Command to visit Cairo and Jerusalem. In 120, he arrived in Mecca where he stayed for 2 years. He then travelled to Baghdad and Mosul, and lived in Eastern Turkey where he met the son of Saladin in Aleppo. He spent his last years in Damascus, dying in 1240. He is most well known for his One es of being - a doctrine that espouses that only God exists, all else is illusion. 

Thank you!

To be remembered and recognised, we need to make people feel good about themselves. Well an easy way to do this is simply to say 'thank you'. So start to look for how and where you can be more grateful'. 'Thank you for your help', 'thanks for telling me that', 'thank you for letting me know', 'thank you for just being around', 'thank you for thinking of me'.

Even if you don't like what you're being told say "hmm, thanks for telling me that, now what about etc.". Say Thank you first. It means that the first thing you say isn't negative.

Indigenous Kogi Shamans

Perhaps you have never heard of the Kogi people or knew that they regard themselves as the Elder Brothers to the rest of the world? However, the leaders of this tribe from Colombia, who are known as the “Mamas,” spoke out in a BBC documentary back in 1990. From the Heart of the World: The Elder Brothers’ Warning was directed by Alan Ereira, and was made as an urgent message for the people of the world, in the hope that big changes would be made.